
New Book Release

from Frank AuCoin

w/Theresa AuCoin

“If you can learn to tie your shoes, ride a bike, and drive a car, 
you can learn to become wealthy, and there is 
nothing on God’s green earth to stop you.”

Frank AuCoin


Ten Legacy Lessons of Wealth

What the Wealthy Teach Their Children 
That the Masses Don’t Know

Despite being a sixth-grade dropout and illiterate until his thirties, author Frank AuCoin is very often asked, “How do I build and keep wealth?” In Ten Legacy Lessons of Wealth, the CEO and franchiser imparts his simple and clear wisdom to create real generational wealth.

In fact, Frank says, 

“If you can learn to tie your shoes, ride a bike, and drive a car, 
you can learn to become wealthy, and there is 
nothing on God’s green earth to stop you.”

Through engaging stories, practical advice, nuggets of wisdom and timeless insights, AuCoin provides a clear blueprint for creating generational prosperity. Whether you’re seeking financial stability, stronger relationships, or a lasting legacy for your family, this book offers a simple yet powerful guide to achieving your goals. You will walk away with a tried-and-true formula to build wealth, establish healthy relationships, and lead a maintainable and manageable inheritance for your children and for generations to come. If you are ready to accept that becoming wealthy is quite simple and certainly not as complex as most would have you believe, then you will love this book.


A Word About The Author

Nothing excites Frank K. AuCoin more than empowering others to achieve their own wealth — wealth in finances, in friendships, and relationships — and in leaving valuable legacies for your family.

Despite only having a sixth-grade education, Frank rose to become the president and co-founder of several successful businesses, along with his wife, Theresa.

What Readers Are Saying

If you are truly wanting to take your life and business knowledge to an extremely high level, then this book is mandatory reading for you. Once the principles shared are studied and implemented, you will definitely see a 10x growth spurt in your life and business.
Alistair Edwards
CEO of Stair Steps LLC
Your book is a letter written to me for my personal growth and development. I never had a mom and I didn’t learn the basic kindness, fundamental sensitivity of A Mother’s Love. This book is everything that I need to help refine my character. Thank You Sir! I’m Grateful and I Appreciate you!
George Jackson
I owe my success to the wisdom of my father, Mr. Jim Rohn and especially, Mr. Frank AuCoin. One of my greatest blessings is the time and mentorship we gained from Frank and Theresa.

This book is the compacted essence of living a great life. Study it thoroughly over a long period of time and watch the magic that you will experience.

Bill Sullivan